Saturday, February 27, 2010

Well, now George Eyakwe is getting a little bossy

I think the good doctor may question my actual interest in $3.7 Million united state dollars.

George Eyakwe to me
show details Feb 25 (1 day ago)

Fr. Roscoe P. Coltrane,
Your mail was understood.
The fund in question is $3.7 million united state dollars okay and
there is no way we can communicate on the email alone without verbal
discussion by leaving a message on the phone, that sound not matured
and real so if you are not able to transact this business with me in
good faith, I would have advice you stop communicating with me so that
I can tender any new file to the security company for new beneficiary.

I have n problem investing the fund in your country through method of
assisting the orphanages as that has been my dream to assist the needy
when the transaction is been completed. Bear it also in mind that your
account details are yet to receive where the fund shall be transferred
into as you indeed wasting the fund remittance.

You have my number, call me upon receipt of this email for verbal
discussion because I can’t call to leave a message, it’s uncalled for
and I can also let you know that your passport must be received for
record purposes as to certify the true position of this fund transfer
to your account.

Dr George Eyakwe Kelly.

Maybe he's not used to his "marks" pushing back...
fromRoscoe Coltrane

dateFri, Feb 26, 2010 at 10:16 AM
subjectRe: CALL ME NOW.

Dr. Kelly,
Sir- now in the name of the dearest St. Bartholomew I implore you to not be so bold with bossing me around. I would remind you that it is YOU that contacted me and I'll thank you to kindly have a little more respect when you communicate with me.
Just this morning I have attempted to call you at your number 2347085581813 and apparently that is the number of the Federal Minister of Finance of the Republic of Nigeria. So now I call in to question if perhaps you are somehow involved with the government and perhaps the US department of Homeland Securities will be questioning me.
Meantime, I already gave YOU my number 4239019011 and am awaiting your call.
Just for your interest, here is a picture of me in Spain.
Now I will say a blessing for you. May St. Bartholomew the Curious see fit to guide you in your efforts to invest the $3.7 million dollars wisely in our parish of the Holy Apostolic Armenian Order of St. Bartholomew, may Dr. Kelly find peace in the Valley of the Shadow of Death, and may his crops be rained on, and the harvest plenty, and may his family come to America and shop at the church of Walmart. Amen.
I hope you will see fit to send me the paperwork necessary, dearest Dr. Kelly
Fr. Roscoe

Sometimes a picture is helpful... so they know you're a real person...
Roscoe Coltrane to georgeeyakweng.
show details 1:13 PM (11 hours ago)

Dear Kelly,
So you know I am sincere here is a picture of me getting my passport scanned. Is that what you meant?

Yours truly in the FAITH
Fr. Coltrane

Thursday, February 25, 2010


Dr. George Kelly must be interested. He takes a little time to explain.

From: "George Eyakwe"
Sent: Thursday, February 25, 2010 12:50 AM
To: "Fr. Roscoe P. Coltrane"
George Eyakwe to me
show details 12:50 AM (21 hours ago)

Attn: Fr. Roscoe P. Coltrane,

Your email was noted.

Firstly, the scan identity I mean here is a copy of your international
passport or drivers’ license must be sent to me for easy
identification because the fund in question is $3.7 million united
state dollars going to be transfer to you. Also bear it in mind that
your bank account details shall be sent to as me well as your direct
contact address, your direct mobile and fax for easy communication. As
for opening a church in the united state of America, you have nothing
to worry as soon as the fund is been transferred into your account, we
shall invest in any mission so desirable. In every transaction,
communication is the key point and I can’t continue with this
transaction without having the above details.

Am more happy that you are a priest which serves as good in terms of
not eloping with the fund when transferred into your account as this
is where I want my investment to commence after retirement as I shall
come to USA for investment along with my family, a wife and two lovely

CASH FLOW CORP,is a an organization that specializes in having client
been protected while having fund carrying around in the united state
of America without the interruption of the CIA,FBI,HOMELAND.With this
organization been registered in your name, we are covered and there
shall not be any tax payment while expecting the fund in your account
but like I said earlier, you must have to provide me with the above
valid details before we commence.

Also note that we have a representative attorney in republic of
Ireland Dublin who shall represent both of us for any documents been
requires from the security company in USA where the fund is presently
lodged as we have nothing to fear over the fund transfer, you have to
follow my instruction for us to achieve a common goal, there is no
risk in this transaction. Its 100% risk free and legalized.

Warm regards
Dr George Eyakwe Kelly.

It's time to establish some rapport...

Fr. Roscoe P. Coltrane to georgeeyakweng.
show details 9:04 PM (1 hour ago)

Dear Dr. Kelly
Thank you for your reply. $3.74 million united state dollars? That truly is a lot of money my dear Dr.
There are many charitable causes for which this money could be used.
You are correct in that you need have no worry about a priest eloping with the fund. We must invest wisely for the arrival of your family, your wife and two lovely daughters.

I will proceed with all haste to scan my fully validated and authorised passport to be emailed to you.
Also you may reach me in the US at 423-910-9011 and you may leave me detailed message there.

I should very much enjoy to see pictures of your wife and two lovely daughters. Looking forward to our work together.

Father Coltrane

Dr George Kelly writes back

Didn't seem to bother him that he hadn't heard from me since October or so. He writes:

George Eyakwe to me
show details Feb 24 (1 day ago)

Dear Father Coltrane,
Your email content is noted. I need to reaffirm phone number and address for record purposes, as to enable the official of the security company in United States open communication with you immediately. Please note that the money that is payable to you is US$3.7Million only. Do also remember that on no condition should you give out my identity.
I have made arrangement with the security company in the united state of America to have the fund been transfer direct to your bank account but also bear it in mind that your fund can only be transfer when your scan identity is been received as well as a valid bank account with all the banking informations.
Kindly send this data to me immediately.
A.Your Scan identity
B.Your Age
C.Your occupation
D.Your bank account informations.
E.Direct cell/fax number.

Finally, as soon as you reaffirm your phone number and address, I will avail you with the contact information's of the security company in United State of America.
Do have a blissful day!
Warm regards
Dr George Eyakwe Kelly.

I need clarification... and now it's time to work the bait... stretch things out....

Fr. Roscoe P. Coltrane to georgeeyakweng.
show details 11:24 PM (22 hours ago)

Dearest Dr. Kelly
I'm afraid I have no idea what you mean by "Scan Identity". I am nearly 49 years old now, and I don't see nearly as well as I used to. I am a priest here in the United State in the Holy Apostolic Armenian Order of St. Bartholomew the Curious, which is an outcropping church of Our Lady of Perpetual Responsibility. I plan to someday start a mission to the Native American Unitarians.
Since these efforts require many US Dollars, Please tell me more about the CFC (CASH FLOW CORP). It sounds a lot like an organization I was in before call CASH COW CORP.
May the Blessed St. Bartholomew the Curious grant you peace and success in your efforts and bind he the evildoers and cast out the cursed spirit of Jack Daniels from your pantry. Amen.
Fr. Coltrane

Meet Dr. George Kelly, Scambait #2

I usually like to keep more than one of these reverse scams running at a time. Here's another one.

fromDr George Eyakwe Kelly
dateMon, Sep 21, 2009 at 7:03 PM
subjectI would wait for your call as soon as you get this email for further update.

I guess it has been a while we talked, anyway I have been quite busy here working on the way forward for the business deal I had offered you despite your lackadaisical approach and un-wiliness in sending down here forward down here further funding to help see the deal through successfully.

Well I am stalked with you I guess since I had already given out some detail of the confidential deal to you. Yes the failure of this deal might not mean any thing to you but to me it would be the end of the word for me for I have already invested so much in pushing for its success.

My dear in furtherance to the above I am now left with no other choice than to continue with you hence I do hope I would get your due support, understanding, corporation ,sincerity and transparency this time.

Be informed that the past few weeks had been very hectic for me , though I have had tremendous progress on the matter late yesterday, be informed that in view of the possible further snags that could be encountered while trying to have the funds get to you via a bank wire from here and our present financial situation due to already heavy upfront investments it would only amount to further time wasting if we continue with the intentions to have the funds get to you directly from here , I had therefore decided late Monday to have the issue closed via a more result oriented approach that would see you receiving the funds in the United States Of America , this I have been able to achieve via the help of some trusted top people here at the paying bank

Here are details of what I have been able to achieve, yes like I had already said above you would now receive the funds in the United States directly via the help of a renowned financial consultant based in the United States . Do note too that financial consultant has had a long-standing relationship with the paying bank hence he is affiliated with the bank here and the arrangements with US based financial consultant have already been tested in the past with very significant results.

Note that the US based financial consultant would be using the premises of the CFC in the United States in setting up the necessary modalities of having you receive the payment in the US .

Here is a more comprehensive detail of how the arrangement would work out, I have been able to smoothly register and install you as a member of an exclusive organization in the US known as the CASH FLOW CORP. (CFC),your registration date has been backed dated on purpose, Normally it takes about 3 years for a person to under go regular registration or recruitment to be accepted as a member, this is to enable the screen committee of the CFC to conduct a proper screen and check up on the new applicant i.e. Checking his finances, job, records, social status etc. Well I was able with the help of some senior bank friends here to register you as a full member of the CFC using the information of a dormant account with the same initials as yours, been a member of the CFC allows you the privilege of handling huge cash transaction in the US and also enables you to receive huge cash in flow without haven to go through the rigorous/cumbersome clearing process with
the US authorities like the home land security, FBI, CIA, DEA, the customs etc.

Do note that you are not at any time to disclose to any of the personals you would be discussing with in the cause of receiving the payment in the US that you are not a member of the CFC not even the US based financial consultant.

Now this what happens, the executive committee of the CFC had met yesterday to deliberate on the request to have the US based financial consultant handle the final processing that would see you as a member of the organization receive your payment in full, after been satisfied they have given their clearance /instructions to the financial consultant to proceed with his arrangements

I would wait for your call as soon as you get this email for further update.


Dr George Eyakwe

Well, since he took the time to write such a detailed message, I owe him a reply after 5 months.

Roscoe Coltrane to Dr
show details Feb 22 (3 days ago)

Dr. Kelly,
Sorry I have been so long in replying... what is the latest on your situation?
Father Coltrane

Okay, time to fill out the application form...

In case you lose track, we'll call this scambait #1 (2010)
My reply to Mr. Raymond Mark that offered the loan.

DEAR MR. MARK, I hope the information below will aid you in the approval of the loan. I am very anxious to start the missionary work at home and abroad. Many blessings upon you and your house.
May the Spirit of St. Bartholomew the Curious abide in you and guide your inner functions to the proper passage of evil to the appropriate exit. Amen.
Loan application form
Name (Mr., Ms., Dr., etc.) Mr. Fr.
Name: Roscoe
Middle Name: P
Surname: Coltrane
Date of birth (yyyy-mm-dd): 1960-12-15
Gender: Male
Marital status: Single
Total amount needed: $33,500 US
Duration time: 2 years
Address: 2b Baker Street
City: Smallville
State / Province: Indiana
Postcode: 66624
Country: USA
Phone: 423-910-9011
Mobile / Cell: 423-910-9011
Monthly Income: $3500
Occupation: Priest- Holy Apostolic Order of St. Bartholomew the Curious

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

It's time to take on the 419 Scammers again!

In which I amuse myself with scambaiting 419 scammers....

Many of you will remember the previous exploits of my 419 alter ego, Father Roscoe, seen here on the right.
While I will admit there is somewhat of a resemblance, the actual image scarcely matters in the context of the reverse 419 scam, or scambaiting as it is also known. Much fun can be had little investment. TREMENDOUS amounts of fun can be had if you already have a well-established back story that paints you as a sympathetic priest of an obscure quasi-Roman Catholic sect. So of course, I have such a back story. Really only the address and zip code changes. For a review of one of my previous scambaits, dig back in to the archive of this blog here in the archive. Start there, and click "newer post" to read the blog chronologically.

The first thing you need for a successful scam bait is, well... bait. This would come in the form of an unexpected email... that email that we've all been waiting for... letting us know our fortunes are about to change. Below is a real email that I got at Fr. Coltrane's email address.

fromRaymond Mark
dateMon, Sep 14, 2009 at 7:55 AM
subjectLoan Offer...Apply Now
hide details 9/14/09
We give loans at interest rate of 5% implied warranty i will be able to lend any amount of money need,You were asking if this is true well i am telling that we have been doing this for 3years OK
we can give 10,000 the minimum and maximum 5,000,000 (Business), is good that you want to fill the loan application form, so I can send my terms and conditions to which the loan
application form below.

Loan application form
Name (Mr., Ms., Dr., etc.) Mr.
Middle Name:
Date of birth (yyyy-mm-dd):
Gender: Male
Marital status:
Total amount needed:
Duration time:
State / Province:
Mobile / Cell:
Monthly Income:

You can call me on +2348070632385 for more information.