Assistance to carry out a project of $17.500.000.00 from Miss Comfort Kona
Good day,
My name is Miss Comfort Kona,
I am totally convinced to write you in reference of the transfer of US $17.500.000.00 Million to you for investment purpose in your country. Though we have not met before but I strongly believe that one has to confid in someone to succeed in life.
There is this amount of Four million, five hundred thousand U.S dollars.($17.500,000.00) (HOW MUCH WAS THAT??) which my late Father (Late Mr Taribeo Williams Kona) deposited for me in a private storage and finance firm here in Abidjan before he assassinated by some unknown hoodlums in on going political war here .
Because of recent political/civil war eructated here I decided to invest this money in your country or anywhere safe enough outside Africa for security and political reasons.
I want you to help me to retrieve and transfer this money to your country , as I will also want you to be my forster parent (She wants me to be her foster parent...huh)
.If you can be of assistance to me, I will be pleased to offer to you 25% Of this total fund (indicated above). because you will also see to the business that the money will be invested with because of my age.
Further details will be made known to you on confirmation of your interest to assist me .
Your urgent reply will be highly appreciated.
I Love Your .
With sincere regards.
Miss Comfort Kona
And here's my initial response. We'll see what happens.
Dear Miss Kona,
You sound awful nice. Your name is familiar. Are you sure we haven't met before? I'm sorry to hear about the assassination of your father by unknown hoodlums. If I could be there to help you I would. I'll bet your really pretty. Do you have a picture of yourself? Better yet, before I can do any business with your bank, do you have a picture of the bank documents with the Four million, five hundred thousand U.S dollars.($17.500,000.00) on it?
I will contact my financial officer and instruct him to contact your office from the bank, to prepare for the transfer of funds. His name is Hugh G. Rection, and the bank is 1st National County Bank of Trust, Inc.
Once again, it is time for the daily blessing of the sheep, so I will write more later.
Father RP Coltrane
Editor's Note: Read about Kona Comfort Brand coffee here

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