Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year!

Originally uploaded by SkipGienapp
Damien (8) and Nick (6) try out the slingshots they got for Christmas. The slingshots require a lot of arm strength. They're working on it.

This little adventure this afternoon was really only our second foray in to the outdoors this holiday break. We spent most of Christmas week being home-bodies. With the one exception of playing in the Christmas snow, we've largely been inside.

This should not be interpreted as a complaint on my part- I toggle back and forth between laziness incarnate and a workaholic. I can't figure what brings me more pleasure- doing nothing or doing a whole bunch. I've got a lot of irons in the fire between two jobs and career goals and side projects and interests- still have many leisure pursuits that I'm always promising myself I'll get to... But this year for the holidays all of that culminated in Laurie and I simply deciding to do nothing. I mean NOTHING. We neither hosted nor attended holiday parties. I'm writing this on New Years Eve, where I'm vicariously ringing in the New Year by Twittering and watching episodes of House, MD. It seems like the appropriate time to write a blog entry. Success! Another "lick and a promise" to another hobby.

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